JCRI Guidelines for Notes and Articles
Please provide in one WORD file the Note or Article. Save the document with a file name identifying the short title, type of manuscript, and date (e.g., WidgetIndusty_NOTE_15Jan2018.docx, or PrimaryRsch_ART_18Dec2017.docx). In this document, do not provide author(s)' names or any identifying information.
Use size 12 Calibri font for all text, and size 10 font for footnotes, endnotes, and financial statements. 1.5-line space, all text aligned left except for titles.
On the top of the page, type the title exactly as written in the Submission Form: Centered, bolded, and fully capitalized in one or two lines. Do not underline. Leave one blank line, then type: Submitted to the Journal of Case Research and Inquiry (with the journal name in italics). Only the line immediately below type, Type Date First Submission: followed by the name of the month, and number of the day and year. (For revised and re-submitted manuscripts, always provide the date of first submission as well as the date of the revision.) For example:
Submitted to the Journal of Case Research and Inquiry
Date first submission: January 15, 2017
Revised: February 20, 2017
Major titles should be centered, bold, and underlined. Do not capitalize.
Leave one blank space before and after each major title.
Subtitles should be aligned left, bold, and italicized. Do not capitalize or underline. Leave one blank space before and after each subtitle.
Notes are may be summaries of literature, theory, or industry descriptions designed to be assigned together with a given case. The audience of notes is educators and students using cases in given course in business or public administration, nonprofit management, or social entrepreneurship.
Articles are scholarly research papers that address issues related to case research, teaching with cases, publishing case studies, and other topics related to case research. Their primary audience of an article is the case researcher or educator.
Submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:
- Short sections with headers in bold or underlined are preferred over long sections.
- Inclusion of exhibits (photographs, diagrams, charts, graphs, and financial statements) is appropriate and may be done in the body of the note or article or attached at the end. All Exhibits must be numbered and labeled with an appropriate title (in bold font), for example Exhibit 1. Widget Industry Revenue Widgets in North America 2009 to 2017. Authors should place exhibits approximately where they believe they would be placed in the final version of the published note or article. Below each exhibit, authors should type Source: (in italics) followed by the source of the information.
- Footnotes and endnotes may be used if appropriate. If used, notes should be numbered consecutively from the start to the end of the case. Use a size 10 font for footnotes or endnotes.
- A reference list is required. Use a size 10 font for reference lists.
- To cite sources in the reference list and below exhibits, authors should use standard APA styles (see www.apastyle.org)